Let's Talk

Flashback to the Future

  • #EnergyPositive


We are not converting the De Lorean into a time machine, but into an ELorean.

If there is one object in pop culture that represents how we influence what our future will look like today, it is the De Lorean Time Machine from Back to the Future.

If there is one vehicle that has hung in every computer nerd bedroom at some point, it is the De Lorean Time Machine.

If there ist one classic that looks modern today and can be made fit for the future (like the interior in HORTUS), it is the De Lorean. It is a symbol for reuse and sustainable resources. Already in the movie, Doc Brown built his time machine mainly from recycled parts and had it running on organic waste by the end of the first part of the trilogy.

The HORTUS De- or ELorean we bought second hand from an owner in Texas is not only to be overhauled technically, but also visually – in collaboration with artist Beni Bischof. He doesn't know much about cars, he says, but they do fascinate him. This is also shown by his work "Handicapped Cars", in which he modifies existing car types in such a way that they lose their function, but not their beauty.

Cheeky, ironic and sometimes a bit nasty, but always with a wink - that's how you could describe Beni Bischof's art. And very importantly, he never loses his sense of humor. And isn't humor an imporant part of sustainable success and quality of life?

Every detail counts.

In the case of the ELorean, the car should remain functional, driveable and re-presentable: Among other interventions, screens in the car should enable the driver to host presentations both in the car or around it. A rolling museum? Or a rolling pitch-deck for HORTUS tenants? The idea is to keep the ELorean parked next to HORTUS and make it available via a car-sharing-program to its tenants.